Walers Parra Ice Hockey


Started my FOREX journey


Began to trade from a hospital bed whilst recovering. 12 monrths in hosoital and 12 month learning to trade

The Losses

2010 - 2011

No matter what I tried, I lost money. I was an expert at buying on the specific pip, not point, pip that the market turned. I did this consistantly

Lasting Longer

2011 - 2013

Accounts started to last longer and longer with some guidence. I took me years to find a descent mentor

Started my Automation Journey

2015 - 2017

Travelled to Melbourne from Gold Coast Quesnsland for an intermediate workshop. Walked away with my firt running algo and started to build everything I could think of

Experience Gained

2017 - 2020

Really began to get some descent automated trading results from running thousands of simulations. Started gravitating more towards building models rather than trading manually. At this stage, manual trading 20% automated trading 80%

Building of FXgossip

2020 - 2022

Had an idea to start building a website to encourage more traders to take automation seriously as I became more and more passionate about automation. 2022 was the forst version of FXgossip called CommunityFX

The Change

2022 - 2023

Final version of FXgossip built and started working in the FOREX profession formally. Was introduced to Traderflow.cam

The start of everything

2023 - current

After providing some algos for analytical testing for Traderflow's blockchain, was offered "Robot Guild Moderator" and became a permanent fixture in the Traderflow world. Now running the VTF (Virtual Trading Floor) front end, providing some light design work and running the Robot Guild

Video Recourses

See my results