A Book and B Book Brokers

The hybrid Model Most brokers these days operate within a hybrid model. What does this mean I hear you ask? Well, it’s a great question to ask! The larger trades are passed on to the market. The smaller ones are fulfilled internally. The reason for this is to manage the risk. If someone is trading...

Thinking about trading FOREX?

Making money trading the FX markets is certainly possible, but it is not without risk. The forex market is an over-the-counter market that is not centralized and regulated like the stock or futures markets, which means that forex trades are not guaranteed by any type of regulatory body. This also means that traders must be...

What is FOREX really all about?

Thinking of trading FOREX? Making money trading the FX markets is certainly possible, but it is not without risk. The forex market is an over-the-counter market that is not centralized and regulated like the stock or futures markets, which means that forex trades are not guaranteed by any type of regulatory body. This also means...

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